Welcome to CoupleCare

The app to take care of your Couple

CoupleCare disponible pour IOS Get it on Google Play


The App designed to help you communicate, (re)discover each other and take time for your couple

Your private space

A secure space (end-to-end encryption), without data collection, just for the two of you.

Ideas for two

Every day, we offer you 7 ideas for activities for two...


Discounts for your dates


Schedule appointments, and keep the dates of your best moments together.


Challenges to spice up your daily life and quizzes to see if you really know your partner.

Couple Page

Your personalized couple page.


Broadcast your ads

The "Deals" section allows you to advertise activities for two (accommodation, services, etc.) at a lower cost. So it's more income for advertisers and discounts for couples ;)

Why post my ads on CoupleCare?

CoupleCare offers deals on the activities chosen by couples. So it's more visibility, and lower fees.

How much does it cost ?

In beta version, the entire service is free. Ultimately, the objective is to be able to remunerate the connection while always keeping a winning deal for advertisers and users.

As a partner, what are my commitments?

By posting a "deal" on CoupleCare, you agree to respect the discounts offered in your ad. You can remove your ad at any time.

How are my ads broadcast?

Your deals are broadcast by city on our map, and on the activity ideas related to your ad.

Beta Version

Download CoupleCare

Test the Beta version for free on iOS and Android